Creating an Index.html File using GIT.

Adeniye Kehinde Afusat
2 min readMay 2, 2021


Version control is the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code. Version control systems are software tools that help software teams manage changes to source code over time.

It helps teams solve these kinds of problems, tracking every individual change by each contributor and helping prevent concurrent work from conflicting.

Using Git by adding a simple HTML file to working tree.

Step 1: Installing git on your Local Computer.

Step 2: Configure Git

Either on your computer Command prompt or Cloud Shell

To configure Git, we need to define some global variables: and

Both are required to make commits using:

— git config — global “<USER_NAME>”

— git config — global “<USER_EMAIL>”

Making use of Azure cloud Shell

— run git status to check that your changes worked.

Step 3: Setting up my Git repository

— creating an empty folder for the project, and then initialize a Git repository inside it using this below command.

— git init

— git checkout -b main

No commit yet on the repository.

— Use an ls -a command to show the contents of the working tree to confirm that the directory contains a subdirectory named .git.

Git commands:

git status displays the state of the working tree

git log used to see information about previous commits.

git add used to keep track of changes.

git commit used to update changes.

Step 4: Creating and adding(staging) a file

— Using the repository created in step 3, still in the same folder created.

touch index.html

— Using git add .to add new file .

— use git status again to make sure the changes were staged properly.

Step 5: Making my first commit

git commit index.html -m “Create an empty index.html file”

git status following up to confirm that the working tree is clean.



Adeniye Kehinde Afusat

Kehinde is a technology enthusiast, experienced with Azure DevOps. She has expertise in Cloud technologies and software programming.